Leila Liliane Juma Store

Maison Rouge: memories of a childhood in war

Maison Rouge: memories of a childhood in war
Leila Liliane Juma
ISBN: 978-0-9920137-1-4
Publisher Tradewind Books
Publication date: Jan 7 2020
Language English
Publication date: Jan 7 2020
Product Dimensions: 15.2 x 1 x 22.9 cm
Shipping Weight: 181 g
Book length: 126
ISBN-10 1926890302
ISBN-13 978-1926890302
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The Adventure of Moïse and the Animals
Category: Non-Fiction / text and beautiful illustrations Children's Book
By author: Leila Liliane Juma

The Adventure of Moïse and the AnimalsSoft Cover / 92 pages / 8x9
ISBN: 978-0-9920137-1-4
Pub Date: March/2015
Price: $19.95
Availability: Out stock

eBooks: ePUB / ePDF 
ISBN: 978-0-9920137-3-8
Pub Date: January / 2014
Price: $12.95
Availability: In stock.

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Soft Cover 

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The Habitants of GreenField

: Fiction / text and beautiful illustrations book for Teens and Young Adults
By author: Leila Liliane Juma

The Habitants of GreenField Book CoverHard Cover/ 72 pages / 6x9
ISBN: 978-0-9920137-0-7
Pub Date: October /2013
Price: $24.95
Availability: In stock.

eBooks: ePUB / ePDF 
ISBN: 978-0-9920137-2-1
Pub Date: January / 2014
Price:  $12.95
Availability: In stock.

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Hard Cover 

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Books: ePUB / ePDF  $12.95

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